Meghan Trainor

I had seen one of her videos but I honestly thought she was a fluke. Then a girl on Project Fame performed -excellently I might add- her All About The Bass and I went searching for her all over again.
You know that feeling when the lyrics of a song could have been written by you with the same character and attitude? That was All About The Bass for me. Suddenly I wished I had heard her when I was 21 and feeling awkward about what eventually turned out to be my gorgeous years.  I immediately downloaded her whole EP and it has been on repeat for a while. I mean what is not to love in a confident, witty, talented young woman?

The album Title in my opinion, should be given to every young lady to build their confidence. It is the anthem that most young women want to recite but either do not know how to or do not have the confidence to. The title song, Title, speaks about what is commonly referred to as 'underG' in Nigeria. You are in some sort of relationship with a guy but he refuses to acknowledge who you are to him. (I remember years ago a guy I was dating introduced me to his friend as 'my very, very, very, good friend'. I was shocked. He then explained without my asking anything that he always introduced his girlfriend like that. Yeah, Bullshit.) Meghan asks that a title or better still a definition be put to that relationship.
In Dear Future Husband she lays the ground rules for her wifely affection. It would seem that the guy is getting a raw deal but she reminds him that she is the cream of the crop. She may employ humour and wit as her tools but you have no doubt that she means every word of it. And it is thrilling.

I only hope my daughter loves her too.


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