Men matters

Hi Again,

Let me ask this question: why do we women like to punish ourselves? We know a man is attached, actually married, and we still go on with the relationship. A guy makes it clear that he is unavailable but we persist, hoping and praying that he changes his mind. I'm not judging anyone because I'm guilty of it but I really wanna know why we do it. Why do we do it?

A man would walk away at the first sign of trouble. He doesn't ususally share. and if he does, its usually because he doesn't like you very much. But women, we feel inadequate and empty, and we go into a relationship with a man who sees us as an avenue for free and constant sex, without feeling insulted or sad.

Why do we feel that a man who lies to everyone else will be true to us? Why do we feel he will keep to us, when he couldn't keep to the person with whom he exchanged vows? Why? And why is that relationship usually more interesting than others? Why is it always the best or the more emotional?

Let's think about it.



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